
Cookies Policy

Cookies Policy

The Company “MPYRAKIS IKE – MOSSA WELL BEING HOTEL” informs the users of the website https://mossavillas.gr/ (hereinafter “Website”) about the use of cookies through the website.

This policy applies only to the website https://mossavillas.gr/ and not to any other website that the user can advise or access through links that may include the website.

Cookies are text files that contain bundles of information stored in the directory of a user’s computer browser or mobile device (eg laptop, tablet, smartphone, etc.) each time a website accesses the internet. through the browser. Each time this site is visited again, the browser sends these cookies to the site that created them or to another site. Cookies allow these websites to memorize certain information so that the person visiting the website can explore it quickly and easily. A cookie can carry no other data from the user’s hard drive, nor can it transmit computer viruses or obtain e-mail addresses. Each cookie is unique to the user’s browser.

Similar technologies, e.g. web beacons, or transparent GIFs, can be used to gather information about a user’s behavior and use of its services. In this cookie policy, all of these technologies will be referred to as “cookies”. There are different types of cookies, some designed to make the use of the website more efficient and to improve the user browsing experience, while others allow the operation of specific functions.

More information about cookies can be found at the following URL: http://www.allaboutcookies.org

Types of Cookies used

Technical cookies are used to make certain sections of the Website function properly. The Website uses only technical cookies, which are “strictly necessary for the transmission of a communication or the provision of a specific service as requested by a subscriber or user” (article 4 par. 5 of Law 3471/2006).
They can be divided into browser cookies and period cookies which ensure that the site is working properly:
Detailed cookies, which are technical cookies when used to measure and the analysis of total user numbers and behavior in a particular website.
Functionality cookies, which make it possible to customize the website according to various user options (eg language, etc.), in order to provide improved services.
No prior consent is required from users for the installation of these types of cookies, although the obligation to provide information about them still exists, according to article 4 par. 5 of Law 3471/2006.

The acquisition and processing of data resulting from the use of technical cookies are necessary for the proper operation of the Website. If a user objects to the use of these technical
cookies, they will not be able to access and display the website properly.

In addition to technical cookies, the general rule governing the use of an electronic communications network “to access information stored to a subscriber or user’s terminal equipment” is what the user must provide consent before updating, ie the user must choose and not opt out. This means that all cookies that cannot be properly termed “technical” and which are therefore more
important for the protection of users’ privacy, e.g. those used to provide a user profile may not be installed on users’ terminals unless the user has been adequately informed in advance and given valid consent.

While browsing a website, the user may receive cookies from third parties. Third party cookies are installed from a different website than the one visited by the user. This is because each site may contain items (images, maps, sounds, specific links to web pages in other domains, etc.) that are on servers other than the site being viewed.

Some users may not consent to the storage of that information are collected via cookies from their computer. Each browser contains detailed instructions regarding their policy on the use of cookies.

If you do not want to receive cookies, you can modify its settings your browser so that you are informed when you send cookies to disable all or some of the cookies used by the Website or delete the cookies that have already been installed by the Website. Most of the functions of the Website operate without the use of cookies. However, if you disable cookies, you will not have access to certain services and functions of the Website.

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